Never the Same
My friend, please allow me to risk the trust I’ve gleaned thus far from our brief moments together by reminding you of one simple truth. In fact, for me, it would be a sin if I did not present this truth in this manner. Your path is unwinding . . . you’ve turned a spiritual corner so please keep your heart open to read the most important thing I could ever tell you, either in person or in written form.
Our search for meaning and awakening
People desire an awakening, they search for meaning and purpose. Rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, it matters not, all of us are either spiritually awake or so self-involved we might as well be asleep.
Early I shared with you in the article Bedtime Stories about The Astonishing Layers of Good . . . well, everything that is good is of God.
You see, the virtue we experience in our hearts every time we reach out to help beyond ourselves is an actual moment with our creator.
It is God who brings the peace and the vision to do awesome works of good whether we acknowledge it or not.
Perhaps you feel nothing . . . your life may have been once whole, full of joy and happiness but is now broken. There is a belief inside of you that constantly claiming that your best days are behind you. Let me encourage you to begin again.
“You wouldn’t be here today if God didn’t have something else for you to accomplish. He wouldn’t have given you the breath to breathe this morning if He didn’t have another victory in front of you. You have an assignment . . . somebody to impact. You have a new mountain to climb . . . you are a person of destiny. You are not here to just take up space but rather to make a difference. To live an abundant, rewarding, and fulfilled life.”
By Todd Baker
Baker is Vice President and Senior Strategist with Milwaukee Direct Marketing. He is the author of the popular blog book,, which is required reading for UCLA’s Digital Fundraising Course, which Baker teaches as part of the university’s Certification Program in Fundraising. He writes the Fundraiser Confidential series for Fundraising Success Magazine and he is also known for the Baker’s Dozen fundraising series for the Nonprofit Times. Baker is also a contributing author to one of the bestselling nonprofit Internet books of all time, Nonprofit Internet Strategies and is also the author of Champions of Philanthropy. He is a former member of the Association Fundraising Professionals Board of Directors for Washington State. Baker spent more than 13 years with World Vision.
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